If you’re looking for simple beauty advice, you have come to the right place. This article will give you tips and tricks to staying beautiful.
Exfoliate before you go for a spray tan. This will remove the old cells from the surface of your skin and give it a new smoothness. This helps your sunless tanner look smooth and even after you apply it. It also gives you a longer lasting tan.
Brighten up your eyes with this natural look: apply a light, neutral-colored eye shadow to your entire upper eyelid. Look for sand, khaki, beige, or fawn colors. This will neutralize any redness on your lids, which can make you appear older and tired. Add drama by smudging a darker shade on the lids just in the crease.
If you are struggling with frizzy hair you can try putting a small amount of hand cream in your hands then running it through your hair. This will help the stray strands stick together and ultimately hold your hair together more as a cohesive whole making you look much more beautiful.
Wash all makeup off before you retire for the evening. Use a washcloth that is gentle, or find a makeup remover that is not harsh on your skin. After that, wash your face like normal with your usual routine. If you don’t remove make-up, it will clog your pores and you are more likely to get acne.
To whiten and brighten your teeth, add a little baking soda to your toothbrush once a week. Just sprinkle a little baking soda in the palm of your hand, dampen your toothbrush and press the bristles into the baking soda, add toothpaste and brush your teeth as usual. Don’t do this more than once a week since baking soda can be hard on your tooth enamel if overused.
If you have an overly pale appearance this can be due to iron deficiency. Take a daily iron supplement or eat a spoonful of iron-rich manuka honey. This will help you look healthier and give your skin a natural glow.
If you want something dramatic for your eyes, try liquid eyeliner. Liquid eyeliners allow for more creativity, allowing you to create a look that makes your eyes pop. When you buy a brush, get one that has an angle.
You need to apply a main coat, two additional color coats, and a topcoat on your nails. Don’t worry if you don’t apply the polish like a professional. If you don’t have any nail polish remover, extra polish will simply wash off in the shower the next day. This is a great nail tip that you can do yourself.
Crush up an aspirin and put it in your shampoo to get rid of dandruff. This will save you money on buying pricey shampoos made for dandruff. The painkilling properties in aspirin will calm your dry scalp and get rid of dandruff problems while using your favorite shampoo and conditioner.
If you are plagued with persistently bad skin, consider a trip to your dermatologist for a chemical peel. Chemical peels remove dead skin cells and promote skin regeneration by gently burning the top layer of skin. Once complete, the skin looks revitalized and radiant.
For the most natural look when shaping your brows, avoid plucking hairs above your brows, instead removing stray hairs below your brows. Plucking hairs above your brows makes it too easy to remove too much hair, resulting in sparse brows or an unnatural “surprised” look. Step back from the mirror and check your brows as you pluck, to ensure you aren’t removing too much hair.
Benadryl can help calm facial redness. Consult with your doctor to see if this is a healthy thing for you to do.
So you like the smell of your fancy soap, and just don’t have the heart to use those pretty bars in your bath or shower? Just put them in your underwear or shirt drawer to capture those scents you love. You will be smelling fresh and clean all day long.
If you have your favorite perfume that you wish you could have the lotion to match, but just don’t want to have to pay the price for it, then make your own. All you need do is add a few drops of your favorite fragrance into any lotion that is scent-free. You can then rub it in and enjoy the resulting scent for the rest of your day.
If you have natural plum lips, it is unnecessary to wear lipstick. It will just take away from the unique feature that your lips already have. If you still insist on using lipstick, stick with a color that is a darker pink, and use a fine brush to apply a thin coat.
Your eye makeup should seek to enhance your natural beauty. When you are looking to do more dramatic eye makeup, it is a good idea to keep the rest of your makeup more minimal in nature. This means take it easy with the bronzer, blush and bright lipsticks. Let your eyes do the talking.
Beauty truly is skin deep, and true beauty starts with great skin. Everyone wants a perfect complexion, but if you were not born with glowing, flawless skin, do not fret. Take good care of your face; keep it clean and well moisturized, inside and out, and you will be on your way to the beautiful complexion you crave.
With the proper advice, it’s possible to be beautiful, no matter what age you are. This article was a great start to knowing what you need to know about beauty at your age and how to move forward as you get older, as well. Let your inner beauty shine out!